Check back to see what events are planned for the group. We will also list related events of interest to the membership.
The Society, while linked to the Proprietary Period, seeks to expand its knowledge of the history of New Jersey through a wide range of speakers.
Below is a sample of some of the topics and speakers we have had at our past meetings.
Featured Speaker: Gail Hahn
Topic: Early Families of Monmouth County
Featured Speaker: Sumner Hunnewell
Topic: Stories Your Grandmother Didn’t Tell You: Some Tales from Colonial Maine
Featured Speaker: Margaret Steele
Topic: Memoirs of a Magic Queen – The Story of Adelaide Herrmann
Margaret Steele discussed the first great female magician and demonstrated her illusions. The PowerPoint presentation was "Memoirs of a Magic Queen – The Story of Adelaide Herrmann."
Featured Speaker: Richard F. Veit, Ph.D., RA - Professor of History, Monmouth University
Topic: Joseph Bonaparte at Pointe Breeze, New Jersey
Dr. Veit discussed the Bordentown site of Joseph Bonaparte’s estate in America from 1816 to 1844. Joseph, the former King of Spain, Naples, and Sicily and older brother of Napoleon, lived in New Jersey from 1816 until 1839. Students from Dr. Veit’s anthropology class have unearthed the remains of Bonaparte’s palatial house and more than 14,000 artifacts.
Featured Speaker: Anne Taylor
Topic: Guided Tour of the Historic First Presbyterian Church of Cranbury
Featured Speaker: Cate Litvack
Topic: 1784: When Trenton Was the Capital of the United States
Cate Litvack, Executive Director Crossroads of the American Revolution National and State Heritage Area. Director Litvack discussed “1784: When Trenton Was the Capital of the United States."
Featured Speaker: David Lent Church
Topic: An American Story: Catoneras and Cornelis Jansen Van Tassel