In 1982, a group of descendants of early New Jersey colonists joined together to form Descendants of Founders of New Jersey, a society of those associated with the earliest development of our state.
Membership includes those descendants who remained in New Jersey and those who have fanned out across the nation. Today Descendants of Founders of New Jersey is an active society with over 400 members. Among the objectives of Descendants of Founders of New Jersey are: to establish, preserve and publish information concerning the founders of New Jersey and to assist those who advocate the preservation of the history of the State.
We welcome in membership any adult, 18 years of age or older, who provide documentation of their descent from a founder who resided in or contributed to the settlement of New Jersey prior to 17 April 1702 and who subscribes to the objectives of the society.
The date of 17 April 1702 was chosen because that was the date on which East Jersey and West Jersey were merged to create the single entity of New Jersey. By that date, the basic settlement had been accomplished in the areas that now make up the state.